A Quick Evaluation of the Universal CPA Review


Of all the CPA test prep courses available, the newest kid on the block is the Universal CPA Review, co-founded by CPAs Joey Reeve and Matt Reinhold.

What sets Universal CPA Review stand out from the rest of the pack is that it is designed by CPAs who know precisely what will help CPA candidates pass the exam. This is generally in the form of simple-to-understand and straightforward question explanations and video lectures. The main USP of the course is the video explanations that are attached to every question in the test bank, explaining why one answer is right and the other isn’t.

The Universal CPA Review does not use boring PowerPoint presentations but instead uses animations and flashy graphics in the videos to trigger the memory and make for an enhanced learning experience.

Video Lectures

At the top of the pile of learning study materials at Universal CPA Reviewis their video lectures. These are spiced up with catchy graphics and animations. The idea behind this concept is to take a very dry subject and convert it into a very appealing course where the finer nuances of prep test materials will be engraved in the mind. With this teaching technique, you will have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the likely questions in the actual exam.

On the other hand, Universal CPA Review video lectures go in-depth into every topic and this can add greatly to your already existing workload. At times, this approach can be quite counterproductive.

Multiple-choice Questions

Universal CPA Review is growing at a fast clip and currently, they have about 2500+ test bank questions with each question having a video explanation attached to it.


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