Why is Becker CPA Review Considered Among the Best In CPA Prep Courses

For anything to be considered the best, it has to be endorsed by the leaders in that field. And that is exactly what Becker CPA Review has achieved when it comes to prep materials for the CPA exam. The course is endorsed by the Big 4 in the finance and accounting domain as well as government agencies and bodies and over 2000 CPA firms. Now, why is the Becker CPA Review considered the best among all when it comes to the CPA study materials and practice questions? To get the answer, let’s analyze what the course has to offer. But first a word of caution –Becker follows the traditional linear teaching format; hence, more time must be spent by candidates reading textbooks and viewing video lectures. Hence, if your learning style is slow and steady with plenty of time on your hands, Becker CPA Review is the course for you. What does the Becker CPA Review have on offer? Becker offers more than 7000 multiple-choice questions that complement the AICPA blueprints. But they are ...